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Here are some thumbnail image links to full size screenshots of Polarbar Mailer in action.
The blurry stuff has nothing to do with your monitor, it is masking personal information
from the images. Click on any thumbnail image to see the full size screenshot, then use
your browser's back button to return to this page.
A few of the images use the JPG image format, but most use the PNG image format.
Also, most of the images that show the Polarbar folder true are using an
alternate folder tree icon set.
Polarbar supports previewing the mail that is on your incoming mail servers.
If you have more than one incoming mail server configured, Polarbar will
first prompt you to choose the incoming mail server to use:
Polarbar then prompts for your logon information and allows you to enable
an optional debug mode that logs additional connection information to the
Java console log than it would normally:
Polarbar then displays the list of folders that are available on the mail
server that you chose. Polarbar fakes an INBOX folder for the server types
that don't have folder support:
When you double-click on a folder, Polarbar determines the number and type
of messages that are available and prompts you to choose the messages that
you want to preview (the default is all messages):
After you choose the messages to preview, Polarbar fetches their message
headers and displays a message list:
Now you can double-click on a message in the message list to display the
first 50 lines (POP3), the first 2000 bytes (IMAP4), or the entire message:
Polarbar provides a number of message options:
Mail servers that support folders provide several folder options: