Polarbar FAQs

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This page contains the most frequently asked questions we get regarding Polarbar Mailer. Before submitting questions to the support list, please be sure to read these FAQs as they usually cover the most common situations.

Isn't Polarbar spelled wrong?
No, it sprung from a "tradition" two of our first developers took part in. You can read about it on the About page.
How do I get the Polarbar Mailer to run on my computer?
The latest versions of Polarbar Mailer (1.27+) have been tested on Windows 7, Windows 10, Linux, and Mac. For more information, see the Installation page.
I tried running the Polarbar Mailer but it just stopped, what now?
Run it from a command window and look at the messages for a clue to what is wrong. More than likely a classpath or Java version issue.
I tried the above and it still doesn't work.
Send email to our support mailing list. If you're not already a member of the list, the Support List page will tell you how to join.
Will you sell my email address if I join the mailing list?
Absolutely not! The Polarbar Mailer team will never sell or give your information to third party vendors.
How do I know what version of the Polarbar Mailer I have?
You can find your version level at Help | About.
Is the Polarbar Mailer freeware?
At this time there is no charge for the software or support.
Why are my display and printing fonts so small?
You can change the size of your fonts by going to Tools | Fonts.
Why doesn't the spell checker work?
Make sure the SNDSPELL.JDX file is in your Polarbar directory. At this time, the word list supported by the Polarbar Mailer is not complete, so you may find that you have to "Learn" many common words. Increasing the usefulness of the spellcheck function is on the "To Do" list.
Where can I find the SNDSPELL.JDX file?
Because the spell checker is a commercial product that the all-volunteer Polarbar Team doesn't have a license for, the team is unable to redistribute the spell checker files. This means that if you don't already have a copy of the (originally commercial) J Street Mailer, you need to locate and download the jstreet.zip distribution file, and extract the Sndspell.jdx file from it. If you are running Polarbar on a case-sensitive file system, you will need to rename the file to SNDSPELL.JDX. A popular download location for this file is the Hobbes OS/2 archive at the New Mexico State University (do a "Quick search" for "jstreet" from the main page).
I've done the above stuff. Why does the spell checker still not work?
Are you trying to share your Polarbar installation between Linux and Windows by mouting the Windows drive using vfat and the spell checker is only failing under Linux? If so, then due to a long vs. short file name limitation in Windows FAT and FAT32 partitions, you will need to jump through some hoops. First create a Polarbar directory on your Linux partiation. Then create an upper case symbolic link to the SNDSPELL.JDX file on the vfat mounted partition. Then create a same-case symbolic link to the vfat mounted Mailer directory or use the -d command line option to point to the Mailer directory. If you have an image directory in the vfat mounted Polarbar directory, you might also want to create a same-case symbolic link to the image directory.
Where are my image files located so I can change the icons used in the Polarbar Mailer?
PBM will look in your main Mailer directory for a subdirectory named image. Any image files found here that match an image file Polarbar uses will be loaded from this directory. Replacement images must have the same name as the images they are replacing.
I'm switching to Polarbar Mailer from PMMail or PostRoad Mailer? Can I convert my email to PBM?
Yes, our PolarTools page can help you with that.

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