These are icons submitted by users. Please feel free to replace your
operating system's generic icon with one of these. Thanks to everyone
who submitted icons. Teamwork like this is what the Polarbar Mailer
is all about.
If you have any problems downloading from the links provided, in
Netscape, press your "shift" key while clicking on the link
and that will force a download instead of having your browser try to
load the graphic. In Internet Explorer, right click on the link and
choose "Save Target As."

| Submitted by David Holm. This is available in BMP format, GIF format, an 8-bit OS/2 ICO format, and an 8-bit Windows ICO format.

| Submitted by Chuck McKinnis. This is available in ICO format for Windows and OS/2.

| Submitted by Richard Larson. This is available in OS/2 ICO format, and in JPG or PNG

| Submitted by Dave Looney. This is available in XPM format for Linux/Unix.

Submitted by Chuck McKinnis. These alternative icons for Polarbar Mailer can be installed by following the instructions provided in the readme.txt file in