Polarbar Screen Shots

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Here are some thumbnail image links to full size screenshots of Polarbar Mailer in action. The blurry stuff has nothing to do with your monitor, it is masking personal information from the images. Click on any thumbnail image to see the full size screenshot, then use your browser's back button to return to this page. A few of the images use the JPG image format, but most use the PNG image format. Also, most of the images that show the Polarbar folder true are using an alternate folder tree icon set.
  • Polarbar supports multiple outgoing mail servers, with support for SMTP, POP3 before SMTP, Authenticated SMTP, POP3 Out, and PPO. Polarbar automatically tries each configured server in sequence, from top to bottom, until it is able to send your message(s) or runs out of outgoing server definitions:

    Outbound mail server settings


  • This is the server settings panel for a new SMTP server:

    SMTP mail server options


  • This is the IP ranges panel for a new SMTP server (the same panel is used for all of the other server types, except for PPO out):

    IP range settings


  • This is the server settings panel for a new POP3 before SMTP server:

    POP3 before SMTP mail server settings


  • This is the server settings panel for a new Authenticated SMTP server (at this time, only AUTH LOGIN is supported):

    Authenticated SMTP mail server options


  • This is the server settings panel for a new POP3 out server:

    POP3 out mail server settings


  • This is the server settings panel for a new PPO out mailbox:

    PPO out server settings


  • This is the server settings panel for a new News posting server:

    News posting settings


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