Screen Shots
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Here are some thumbnail image links to full size screenshots of Polarbar Mailer in action.
The blurry stuff has nothing to do with your monitor, it is masking personal information
from the images. Click on any thumbnail image to see the full size screenshot, then use
your browser's back button to return to this page.
A few of the images use the JPG image format, but most use the PNG image format.
Also, most of the images that show the Polarbar folder true are using an
alternate folder tree icon set.
Polarbar has very powerful filtering capabilites.
You can filter your email by any string anywhere in your email and there are many options
for what to do with it. Here is the main filter dialog:
Here is the dialog that is shown when you want to create a new filter:
Here is the detail page for an existing regular filter:
Here is the detail page for an existing list filter:
Here is the detail page for a new Java filter. Java filters allow
you to create a custom filter using Java. Polarbar's online help
includes details for how to create a Java filter. This detail page
is where you would plug in the name of your Java class and any of
the optional arguments that it takes (sent as a single string):